What is Workflow?

Workflow can be defined as the sequence of connected activities or tasks completed to achieve a specific outcome. A structured workflow follows a unique path that can be sequential or parallel to meet specific dependencies or requirements. Typically, the path will have defined variations for each desired business outcome.

There are three types of workflows:

Fully Manual: Examples include paper-based processes with manual notes and signatures, physically transferred in an office or production workshop.

Semi-Automatic: Parts of the process are automated in a semi-automated workflow. Consider an email chain where files are attached, comments are added to the email body, and changes made to attached files. The current task is forwarded when convenient for the processor.

Fully Digital or Automated: Automated workflows run in a structured and defined manner following specified business rules.

Workflow Management and Business Process Management Differences

Workflow is a more specific, independent sequence of steps and tasks. In contrast, business processes encompass a broader term for a collection of tasks, workflows, activities, and instructions.

For instance, consider a simple approval workflow with one or more defined variants for purchasing. A business rule may require approval from a second department if the purchase value exceeds a specific amount. This workflow is part of a larger business process for procurement within the organization, which includes guidelines for vendor selection, procurement, and more.

Common Workflow Examples:

  • Approving purchase orders
  • Authorizing holiday requests
  • Processing invoice payments
  • Employee onboarding
  • Requesting spare parts
  • Sending invoices to customers

Why Workflow Management Software is Crucial?

Workflow management involves digitizing discrete processes and managing their outcomes. Workflow management software allows the creation, execution, and control of these workflows. Some key benefits and outcomes expected from custom software solutions are:

Increased Efficiency: Boost automation rates to make tasks easier for everyone involved, achieving faster and better results. For example, with a fully digitized workflow, stakeholders can easily access, review, and process clearly defined digital tasks whether in the office, at home, or on the go.

Enhanced Agility: Adapt standard workflows to meet changing operational needs, create process innovations to support new business models, and rectify broken processes for increased resilience and agility.

Stronger Compliance: Monitor, manage, and ensure process outcomes with clear responsibilities and data-based audit trails. Improve adherence to policies and regulations for better compliance.

As VityCode, our SAP Workflow solution is actively and intensively used by many of our clients. You can dynamically and easily manage your workflow processes with our solution. Via SAP MyInbox integration, you can also approve workflows through Fiori on mobile devices. Our solution is also suitable for digitally transforming processes tracked on paper. For more detailed information, feel free to contact us.